Hey..I just came by your site and I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm trying to get into modeling and I entered a contest online and if I win then they will market me for free..and the favor I need is for you to vote for me..I'm already doing pretty well..I'm in the top 10 of almost 500 but it's only from people voting for me so I appreciate every vote I get..and I was wondering if you could vote for me as well as tell a couple of people about it for me..I would be sooo grateful!! To vote for me go here:
If you're interested in joining yourself there's a link here which would also help me out a lot more..instead of just a vote from you it will instantly give me 5 votes when you register (which takes 2 minutes) To join yourself go here:
You can vote once every 24 hours..so please do vote every time you remember me :) And please tell a few people about it for me :) also if you do decide to register make sure the ID# is 1846..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!