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64 Year Old · Male · From Elverson, PA · Joined on September 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 21st
64 Year Old · Male · From Elverson, PA · Joined on September 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 21st

Ok not to much to say about me other than I am real and down to earth in how I approach life but love to use my imagination in everything I do. I have always been athletic and until I am to old to play a sport or work out it will be a part of my life. I am the eternal optimist, there is always a silver lining to every rainy cloud, you just have to look for it!

My favorite 2 saying are:
"It is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all!"
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections!"

Thats who I am, some times a nerd, some times and athlete, always and actor and I play the part that is needed at the time, rather it is councilor, friend, competitor or just a fool to break the ice. I have always thought of myself as the person who makes others feel welcome even if they are strangers!

In the end life is to short to be up set and contrite all the time. Life is for living…breath, adventure and see the wonders that every millisecond of life produces.

Be real because thats what I am! Thats me in a nut shell

64 Year Old · Male · From Elverson, PA · Joined on September 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 21st
My interests are varied, I love all sports but If i can't play it I generally will not watch it. At present I coach and play field hockey for a local club team. That is where most of my time is spent keeping the club running and the players loving the game while they learn skills and how to compete.

I love martial arts and have to black belts and still use kata's and practice forms to help stay in shape. I love to rock climb and scuba diving is becoming another love.

When I am not coaching or generally kicking my physical but I also like to Draw and paint. Landscapes and fantasy settings fill my room and dragons and mythical creatures pop out on paper whenever I sit down. Can I do a portrait or just a country scene… yes but where is the wonder in that, where is the imagination? Again we are here for a short time lets show every aspect of who and what we are to the world and see if we can be an inspiration to those around us and those yet to come!

I also like to write short stories and hopefully one day will publish a book or two. What type you ask, Why fantasy, adventure and or maybe a book about life!
Well, I don't really have a favorite artist and the only type of music I can't work with is gangster rap and heavy mettle. I love ballads and songs that tell a story. I think in another life I would have been a bard. I can dance to anything that has a beat and moves my heart!
Well that is a long list but the high lights are:

The lord of the rings trilogy and the hobbit trilogy.
The avengers
All 3 Ironman movies
Captain America
The new Superman movie
All of the fast and the Furious movies.
The twilight movies.
Constantly changing… anyone who can inspire children, youth and young adults to be the best person they can be and to bro to be an inspiration to everyone they meet!
Video Games
Adventure games are more my stile like Treasure Hunter nathan Drake. Assassins creed, Dragon Age, Star wars the force unleashed, Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning.

I loved Marvels Alliance games!

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