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65 Year Old · Male · From Abbotsford, BC, Canada · Joined on September 11, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 20th
65 Year Old · Male · From Abbotsford, BC, Canada · Joined on September 11, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 20th
KoRn - Narcissistic Cannibal - Get Up - (lot of good tunes they made)
Godsmack - Greed - Cry like a Bitch(about ufc winners n losers)only recently got introduced to this band and OH YA they rock
Wood - Theres something on my side
Linkin Park - (cry singer left and joined stone temple pilots)
I also can relax to slower music like
I can listen to main stream but personally its to much of the same thing and same artists over and over But I can get into Madonna's music - Sade(paradise-it's only as good as the first time) ya she got rhythm in her head to toe
10 Years After - when u here this band play u Know they started up in the peace love flowers and acid days of the 60s n 70s
I liked Riddick - Batista played bounty hunter -
Elysium with Matt Daemon -
RIPD with Ryan Renolds and Jeff Bridges -
Total Recall (the new one) it rocks
World War Z worth seeing (hell ya)
Hansel and Gretal Witch Hunters (awesome special effects and graphics)
the Final Breaking Dawn movie I thought ended the series well heh show your enemy his future and he sees his own head roll on the battle field he's standing on - ok ya I think an abrupt change of plans must be made (peace with the Cullins)
and my favorite show
TRUE ROMANCE - Christian Slater falls in love with Patricia Arquette goes to her pimps ends up killing pimp (Gary Oldman)(good back ground music to - seeing pimp don't need briefcase of cocaine(being that he's dead) he takes new girl and drugs to LA and trys to sells to some Hollywood big shot
it's action start to finish - Christian Slaters best movie and FULL of people who turned out to be big time actors - Dennis Hopper (slaters dad on the show) - Christopher Walken played assume mob tracker boss who liked his job - Brad Pits part was Small he was a very buzzed pot head LOL. James Gandolfini was the mob muscle beating up Patricia and this little girl hung in there gave the mob guy only a hard time and when she got the chance he was the one not breathing but she is the girl all bad guys like me want at there side - then when they selling the dope to big shot - FBI enter all guns drawn and the from opposite side of room Mafia guys enter other side of room - oh ya action all the way TRUE ROMANCE is The best - Romance - Adrenaline action - potential cash prize at end of road - ya my favorite - a close second would be Vin Diesels Pitch Black, Riddick and the Necromonger movie
don't think I got any Idols -- tho I did have a fascination with some gangsters for example
Bonny and Clyde (hehe tommy gun days)
Jonny Dillinger Bank Robber who was Unarmed leaving a movie theatre and gunned down by FBI
seems most of the Good bad guys all died by wave of bullets.
except for the Teflon Don - John Gotti who fell cause he (killed 20 hitman) got caught be turned into loser selling his best friend and boss into a cell where the dam hitman should be Not where Gotti should have ended up
morel of story some bad guys do good things - example - cartels have offered to pay off some countries det we talking billions
the USA-Canada I bet there running close to one and two for fullest population in prisons,
is there such thing as over inforcement - (yes) Panama invation to remove Noriega - Iraq, is Syria Next - my opinion Iraq leader needed replaced - Noriega was I think wrongly removed - Syria I think if they can Prove (not like Iraq prove) but real proof then stay ships distance and unloose those missles take out all air strips then focus on takin out the government - Lybia another one
if a country needed heroes to help where were they when rawanda blue up (wasn't that like near a million deaths - I agree on a big brother in the World - USA seems to be that - UN haven't got enough power - and the other world power Russia or should I say Putin (bad guy) will probably stay a leader for years to come and be a thorn to USA - heh I man not like Putin's way of blocking action but he's ruled a long time and he goes in my Gotti Dillinger and Bonny & Clyde Idols list. ay
Video Games
Heat Online - u start out with a choice of cars unless u pay real cash and buy a nicer car,
I started with a rental car and now after years 4 or 5 years there about - I now Own, over a dozen cars - fully paid for some like my Morello (aka-Ferrari) still needs parts - my Savage z6 (aka Corvette) is fully loaded and wow does that car rock - the Ferrari needs more practice time and proper balance and alignment still I'm a crasher in Ferrari and can win races in Savage, I like cobra coupe and the sound of the Nevada SS Prime(aka the Camaro)
they have lots of tracks to choose from and even if your Last place and finish race u earn money. money gets u new cars and parts to upgrade.

I recently (couple months ago) stopped playing Aion Online - I had a Wizard and a Shaman in the game and I can start playing again but its a very time consuming game more so then the race game if u can believe it -
I enjoyed playing subagames - aceonline flying aircraft u got 4 choices and 2 sides to choose from the hard part is getting the High damage weapons that the high lvl players have - u hear a and see an electrical light bolt fire from a plane - hit your plane and poof ur toast -
I got invited to join starwars pvp mmp game and think I'll give it a try - it's more in the lines of duke nukem, quake, (I hope)
I started playing star trek online but it was like more time consuming then I wanted to gain levels so I'm pretty much just sticking to HeatOnline (car racing)

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