Don't wait for the Perfect moment. Take the moment and make it Perfect!"
I'm a very positive and energetic person. I'm passionate about the things I do. You can characterize me as strong, confident, genuine, sane, caring, playful, romantic, financially stable, and in great shape. I have a few pictures out here so if you don't I'll assume you are in the witness protection program!
My friends tell me I'm a lot of fun to be with. I love a good joke, making people laugh and be at ease. Outgoing and conversational with people. I have varying interests like: coaching volleyball, summer festivals, dining and cooking, wine, dancing, cover bands, remodeling, motorcycling, Gallary Night, martial arts, sporting events, State Fair and Summerfest, travel, comedy clubs, museums, astrophysics and, some days just laying low. Very stable, humble, caring, giving, gentleman, good job, well kept, and are told I'm a good dresser. I think though that I have ADD tendencies; look, there goes a squirrel!
I'm looking for someone with some similar interests but I love learning about others interests and exploring. I love people with spunk! Women that are well kept, intelligent, conversational, enjoy humor, sensuous, confident, like being wooed, and like Death By Chocolate ice cream are attractive to me. My brother gave me the best advice about women: Don't try to understand them, just love them. I'm looking for the one that I can adore. However, if you lay around on Saturday's in your underwear gnawing on a big block of free government cheese while watching the All-Chopper Channel, perhaps you and I may not work out.
Never had a parole officer, I don't smoke, I don't eat corn-on-the-cob holding it vertically, I don't rock in place like Rain Man, I don't wear a helmet in public and I use utensils when I eat. Match doesn't have a catagory heading to list your "Medications:", but please, feel free to share your dysfunction with me.
p.s. What is it about camping that so many people like? Ya, when we were young yes. And this is from a north woods guy who camped a lot, but roughing it today is using a bottle opener instead of a pull tab. Today however, I would rather cut out my appendix with a cold spoon than go camping; sorry campers!
Not my quote but I like it: "Don’t make someone a priority in your life when you’re only an option in theirs. Take a good look at the people in your life…family, friends, co-workers, significant others, etc. Stop making excuses for poor behavior; don’t accept less than what you deserve, and weed out the ones who only care about their own needs being met. A relationship should compliment, not complicate. What a difference it makes when you’re surrounded by only those who bring out the best in you."