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44 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 14, 2007 · Born on February 23rd
44 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 14, 2007 · Born on February 23rd

my best friend asked me to post something for her. I down right hate what some guys do to women! They are worthless peices of shit.My friend mary is the sweetest, sexiest bitch I know and I don't know why she put up with this worthless piece of shit scumbag of a man and qite frankly his poems really suck. When she came up here to Ct. last week and told us everything it pissed me off and other people off as well.Girl i love you like a sister and I'm proud your in the Navy. This is basicaly what she told us:my ex Randy Andrew Ling and all the shit he put me through hey guys this is for all the women that have been hurt by Randy Andrew Ling a man that should never be trusted.... any woman that goes out with him be careful he will hurt you mentaly and physically..........some of you know my my ex Randy and how bad he was treating me... All of you told me I should get rid of him....All the abuse of him pushing me around and making me feel worthless... I'm so happy its over no woman deserves that especially with his past criminal record of battery assault robbery and credit card fraud...... I should of been smarter then to go out with a man that has 4 counts of battery charges on his criminal record but like the song says hey it makes me a whole lot smarter and a fighter I have a restraining order on him so he will not come near me I am afraid of him who knows he just might kill me one day. he has to stay away from me and my apartment and my command knows about this so if he does try anything he will not only have to deal with me but the military as well. he wants to blame me for everything that has gone wrong, now trying to play the victim but then again these types of guys do that... I was at fault for something's, but I can not get over the hurt he caused me when he cheated on me well went out with another girl at the same time got her pregnant and left her not that's not a man that's a little child... I am so glad I did not marry him like he wanted and I kept putting it off.. if I did marry him I would have to go through a whole lot more bull shit then I'm going through now..... anyone can spend a year making up for it but you can not fix something like that no one can forgive that... when I went under way for 3 weeks he decides to sleep with another woman come on now if he really wanted to make it up gain my trust and respect he would not have done that. every time he said he loved and missed me I just could not believe him... sure he has tried to make it up to me but he also lied to me and to my face many many times randy said he was sorry but he should of thought about that before he did what he did I do not believe he was trying to make it up... and yes I did hit him but again he told me to many many times and I kept saying no to him so one day I snapped a woman can take just can so much abuse so I finally stood up to him and it did make me feel bad no one deserves to be hit I mean every body told me "good job he had it coming to him" but then again that's not me I'm a lover not a fighter. his ex mel finally did see it and believes me it did hurt that no one believed me but with guys like him playing the good person and putting on a fake front of course anyone would believe him there are many guys out there like Randy Andrew Ling. who make people believe there lies and bullshit because they only want to make themselves look goodI'm happy he met another woman but I bet once she has seen him and what he is really like and gone through the bullshit that Kara Michelle and I have gone through she will leave him to see one of his ex's did warn me and had the balls to tell me the truth but I did not listen I was the biggest bitch to her trying to defend him but as I found out the hard way like all the rest have and will ....Kara I should have believed you and got out before it came to this you have a child by him that he does not care about.. you tried to warn me and tell me but I did not listen like a fool....I'm so sorry kara..word can never express how sorry I truly am and yeah because I am in the military he only wanted the benefits and extra money...

44 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 14, 2007 · Born on February 23rd
Ireland really has a deep resonance for me, as you'll see from flipping through these pages... This painting is of the Irish Goddess of war, Morrigan. There were other goddesses who were warlike, but only the Morrigan was so well-known for it. She's also sometimes known as the Crone facet of the triple goddess, but I find that notion detracts from her intense power. She's not Lady Death, a la Neil Gaiman, she's much, much different. She inspires men to war, and rejoices in the slaughter. Here, she covers her face in a moment of silence after the battle, her hoodie-crows surrounding her. The notion of the crow carrying the soul to heaven is (I believe) a Native American tradition, not an Irish one... so perhaps she is taking a moment of silence out of respect for the dead - though her ebon followers are off to scout for the next battle. Morrigan by Danielle Dee The Morrigan is a goddess of battle, strife, and fertility. Her name translates as either "Great Queen" or "Phantom Queen," and both epithets are entirely appropriate for her. The Morrigan appears as both a single goddess and a trio of goddesses. The other deities who form the trio are Badb ("Crow"), and either Macha (also connotes "Crow") or Nemain ("Frenzy"). The Morrigan frequently appears in the ornithological guise of a hooded crow. She is one of the Tuatha Dé Danann ("Tribe of the goddess Danu") and she helped defeat the Firbolg at the First Battle of Mag Tuireadh and the Fomorians at the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh. Origin The origins of the Morrigan seem to reach directly back to the megalithic cult of the Mothers. The Mothers (Matrones, Idises, Disir, etc.) usually appeared as triple goddesses and their cult was expressed through both battle ecstasy and regenerative ecstasy. It's also interesting to note that later Celtic goddesses of sovereignty, such as the trio of Eriu, Banba, and Fotla, also appear as a trio of female deities who use magic in warfare. "Influence in the sphere of warfare, but by means of magic and incantation rather than through physical strength, is common to these beings." (Ross 205) Eriu, a goddess connected to the land in a fashion reminiscent of the Mothers, could appear as a beautiful woman or as a crow, as could the Morrigan. The Disir appeared in similar guises. In addition to being battle goddesses, they are significantly associated with fate as well as birth in many cases, along with appearing before a death or to escort the deceased. There is certainly evidence that the concept of a raven goddess of battle was not limited to the Irish Celts. An inscription found in France which reads Cathubodva, 'Battle Raven', shows that a similar concept was at work among the Gaulish Celts. Valkyries in Norse cosmology. Both use magic to cast fetters on warriors and choose who will die. During the Second Battle, the Morrigan "said she would go and destroy Indech son of De Domnann and 'deprive him of the blood of his heart and the kidneys of his valor', and she gave two handfuls of that blood to the hosts. When Indech later appeared in the battle, he was already doomed." (Rees 36) Compare this to the Washer at the Ford, another guise of the Morrigan. The Washer is usually to be found washing the clothes of men about to die in battle. In effect, she is choosing who will die. An early German spell found in Merseburg mentions the Indisi, who decided the fortunes of war and the fates of warriors. The Scandinavian "Song of the Spear", quoted in "Njals Saga", gives a detailed description of Valkyries as women weaving on a grisly loom, with severed heads for weights, arrows for shuttles, and entrails for the warp. As they worked, they exulted at the loss of life that would take place. "All is sinister now to see, a cloud of blood moves over the sky, the air is red with the blood of men, and the battle women chant their song." (Davidson 94) An Old English poem, "Exodus", refers to ravens as choosers of the slain. In all these sources, ravens, choosing of the slain, casting fetters, and female beings are linked. "As the Norse and English sources show them to us, the walkurjas are figures of awe an even terror, who delight in the deaths of men. As battlefield scavengers, they are very close to the ravens, who are described as waelceasega, "picking over the dead"..." (Our Troth) "The function of the goddess [the Morrigan] here, it may be noted, is not to attack the hero [Cu Chulainn] with weapons but to render him helpless at a crucial point in the battle, like the valkyries who cast 'fetters' upon warriors ... thus both in Irish and Scandinavian literature we have a conception of female beings associated with battle, both fierce and erotic." (Davidson 97, 100) The Morrigan and Cu Chulainn She appeared to the hero Cu Chulainn (son of the god Lugh) and offered her love to him. When he failed to recognize her and rejected her, she told him that she would hinder him when he was in battle. When Cu Chulainn was eventually killed, she settled on his shoulder in the form of a crow. Cu's misfortune was that he never recognized the feminine power of sovereignty that she offered to him. She appeared to him on at least four occasions and each time he failed to recognize her. When she appeared to him and declared her love for him. After he had wounded her, she appeared to him as an old hag and he offered his blessings to her, which caused her to be healed. On his way to his final battle, he saw the Washer at the Ford, who declared that she was washing the clothes and arms of Cu Chulainn, who would soon be dead. When he was forced by three hags (the Morrigan in her triple aspect) to break a taboo of eating dogflesh.

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