fubar has a little something for everyone. Whether it's hanging out with friends, meeting new people or getting your game on, everything you do on fubar earns you points which helps you level. When you level you unlock new features which allow you to have more fun.
Thanks for stopping by! fubar runs on fubucks the common virtual currency which allows you to buy drinks for friends, play games and help other members on the site. Whenever you earn points for doing things on fubar, you also earn fubucks. The more points you accumulate the quicker you will level up and unlock new features.
Hey There! You have found the greatest online function around...So happy you came! You will have a ball here. Hope to see you soon.. WISHING A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA! !! *WARNING*: BE CAREFUL FEEDING THE ANIMALS HERE, SOME DO BITE BACK OR OOPS IT MITE B UR KINDA THANG LOL! From your Friendly Neighborhood Greeter RedByrd