33 Year Old
From Calgary, AB, Canada·
Joined on August 31, 2013
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on December 19th
33 Year Old
From Calgary, AB, Canada·
Joined on August 31, 2013
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on December 19th
Latest Status
kazilette Dunno if I should leave my man or stay.and stick it out
kazilette I have and is rather try and fix things its like I just can't brake away its like dubble jerpairdy I leave I kill what's left of my heart or I stay and just start killing bitches man
kazilette Things are getting bad I wish it was a fairytail ending no fights no bullshit if I could back time but I can't sad face to say just what I feel for him are just crule because of all the men whom fucked me over its hard to trust the real thing
~Magickal Graphics~