43 Year Old
From Defiance, OH·
Joined on June 12, 2007
Born on April 9th
I'm very outgoing and am proud to be a bit unique. I love to meet new people. I'm an aspiring model and right now I travel all over the country for my job that's why I want to meet people from all over! I'm very friendly so don't be shy to chat with me! I love to party and have a good time no matter where I am! I recently joined a text chat line to meet new people so if you like to text then send a message to natalie81 at 35777 I have to admit I'm a bit bi-curious so I'd like to talk with some ladies as well! Since I travel a lot I dont always have access to the computer so your best bet is to get me at the number above!
43 Year Old
From Defiance, OH·
Joined on June 12, 2007
Born on April 9th
Good luck with your modeling. If you travel a lot, that means you're working. -And that's ALWAYS a good thing for a model. Hang in there as long as you can, and continue to plan for the next step in your life... -I like the name of your town too! What's it like?
***LICK***Taste. If You Get 1 Back Your Lickable. If You Get 3 Back Your A Tasty Treat. If You Get 10 Or More Back You're Lick-A-Licious. Have A Kick Ass Day. Sending You Lickz, Bitez 'n' Kissez_________####___####__________________################______________####################___________#########_#_##########_______######_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#######_____#######______#_#_###########_______###_____#_____########___________#_____#____########____________#_____#_____####_______________#______#___#_#__________________#_____#_____##__________________#_________#_##___________________#______#_#_#_____________________#__#_#_#_#_________________________###____________________
YOU'VE BEEN HIT! YOU'VE BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF THE SEXIEST IN CHERRY LAND! ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT U HAVE TO HIT THE SEXIEST PEOPLE. IF U GET HIT AGAIN U KNOW THAT U R REALLY SEXY. IF U BREAK THE CHAIN U HAVE UGLINESS FOR 15 YEARS ..........SO HIT 15 SEXY PEOPLE AND LET THEM KNOW THEY R SEXYSEND THIS TO ALL THE PPL THAT U THINK ARE SEXI-IF U GOT 1 BACK THEN U ARE UGLY PPL JUST SENT U THIS TO BE NICE-IF U GOT 2 BACK UR BETTER THAN UGLY-IF U GET 3 BACK UR OKAY-IF U GET 4 BACK THEN U ARE PRETTY-IF U GET 5 BACK THEN U ARE FREAKIN SEXI-AND IF YOU GET MORE THAN THAT EVERYBODY THINKS YOU'RE FUCKIN FINESend this to all ur sexii friends.Including person who sent it to u....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy.?.....?SeXy?......?SeXy?...........?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.........?SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?.....?SeXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?..S?eXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?SeXy??.......?SeXy?......?SeXy?......?SeXy?IF YOU GET THIS BACK:1 UR NOT THAT SEXY2-3 UR SO SEXY4-6 OMG TOTAL SEXY BABE7-10 UR SO SEXY ITS UNBELIEVEABLE
Hi and welcome to the tap, please come by and check out my page and pictures. - Get Your Own If you support the troops please be my fan.Thank you and have a fabulous time here