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38 Year Old · Male · From Dayton, TX · Invited by: diane · Joined on June 11, 2007 · Born on September 20th
38 Year Old · Male · From Dayton, TX · Invited by: diane · Joined on June 11, 2007 · Born on September 20th

Well I'm 20, graduated in 2005, and I live at home with my mom and brother. Ive been wanting to move out for sometime now, but with how much I make, college expenses and car payments, I don't know when that will ever happen. I'm a very open person. I try my best to live life happily, although it can be quite difficult. I drive a 2007 Ford Focus SE and have a 1970 Chevy Nova that Ill work on over time. I work at Wal-Mart, yay... My biggest passion is music. It can calm and fuel the soul better than anything. Its keeps the wheels turning in my world. I can also sing and play a little bass. I love collecting CD's (Im at 490+ albums now and none burnt). I am anti-religious, but I dont press my views down anyones throat. I'm a bit on the nerdy side. I love video games (rpgs and fighting mostly), computers, watching and collecting movies and anime, collecting action figures based on video games and anime, and such. But I also love to get out and have fun like going to concerts (favorite place to be), movies), clubs and anywhere else that you can fun at. I see myself as a sadist, as I love to inflict pain sexually, but sometimes I like it the other way round too! I like to read and every now and then draw. I also love to write stories, mostly fantasy. I have the utmost desire to see most of the world. I Love cats, (wish they could stay kittens forever!) and mostly all animals. I have mostly German and Irish blood in me. I have a strong and strange love for Vikings, and if there are such things as past lives, I was defaintly one! I like potato based foods. I like to act silly and goofy and can be quite talkative when you get to know me and hate it when people act too good or uptight. I'm going to college to be a history teacher. I was picked on a lot when I was little so I hate it when I see people taken advantage of and I stand up for the right no matter what it is against.
Lets see, things I dislike: Ignorant people. Crappy Music. Raising gas prices. Drugs. Cruelty to humans, animals and plants (I'm by far not a hippy, but for some reason I sympathize with trees and such because I know they are living creatures too). Bugs with big eyes. PETA (if animals werent meant to be eaten, they shouldn't have been made out of meat!). People who think that once a underground band gets some popularity that they become sellouts. Burnt CD's.

38 Year Old · Male · From Dayton, TX · Invited by: diane · Joined on June 11, 2007 · Born on September 20th
Concerts, vikings (im all about being a viking baby!), samurai, metal, anime, video games, tatoos and piercings, bondage & fetishes, foreplay, occult, rain, lightning, thunder, action figures based on anime and video games, movies, tv, internet, artwork, history, Medieval history, Norse mythology, ancient Chinese History
Video Games
Final Fantasy, Atelier Iris, Ar Tonelico, Dead or Alive, Resident Evil, God of War, Valkyrie Profile, Dynasty Warriors, Odin Sphere, Rogue Galaxy, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, The Legend of Zelda, Devil May Cry, Mario and a lot more..

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