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41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: yohailey · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on September 28th
41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: yohailey · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on September 28th

. .me?!
. .i'm sexy, bubbLy gUrL!
. .caN't Leave w/Out mah ceLphONe..
. .i'm teXt addict!
. .I'm aN eXtremeLy easY persOn tO get aLOng with.. i get aLOng w/ evrY1 i meet fOr d 1st tym,& tiL u giv me a reasOn 2 disLike u,i'LL prObabLy cONsider u 1 Of my frNds Or atLeast aN acquaiNtaNce..
. .Luv tO haNg Out w/ fweNz esp. w/ d haGdaN gurLz..hehehe!
. .haGdaN gurLz r LOud & prOud 2 be One..hehe!
. .Luv tO acCOmpaNy gUys' escApades..hehe! Lil' bit bitchY, am i?! i jUst dO crazY thiNgs with mAh guYfweNz bUt nOt as bad as u thiNk, huh?! Ok!
. .weN i get bOred i pLuck mY eyebrOws, read my cOsmo girL Or FHM maGs Or eat foOd..
. .i'm funNy, cheerfuL, eNerGetic
. .i'm frNdLy, dOwN tO earth, witty
. .sUmtYmz..aN iNtrOvert kiNd Of gUrL, just gO w/ d fLow!
. .Luv tO dO adveNturOus stUffz
. .hvN d pOsitiv aPprOach tO Lyf cOz i bLiv Lyf must b spent tO the fuLLest..
. .i'm God-feariNg, i hv GOD iN mah LYf..we caN't iGnOre HIM! He's d mOst m4taNt iN r Lyf! aGree?!
. .i'm submisSive & vuLnerabLe..
. .i was bOrN with music iN mAh bLoOd [siNging is first iN mAh fuckiNheart but i dO nOt make it fOr a LiviNg..hahAha!]
. .i'm sweet, thOughtfuL kiNd Of gurL
. .i hAte sum1 hu taLks shit abOut me RIGHT iN frOnt Of me, a gUrL hu thiNk she's hOtter daN me..
. .hm, weN in Luv..its Lyk hvN d butterfLyz iN mAh stOmach! hehe..
. .i Luv deepLy![^_^]
. .i'm everYthNg i need 2 be, i'm just ME!

41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: yohailey · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on September 28th

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