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38 Year Old · Female · From Queensland, Australia · Invited by: PANDAmonium · Joined on July 29, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 3rd
38 Year Old · Female · From Queensland, Australia · Invited by: PANDAmonium · Joined on July 29, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 3rd

The path in life you wish to pursue is define by the chances you take and the love that you feel and learn as you grow along the way. Sometimes life hands you the gift of hope and love. Sometimes life hands you the gift of peace and serenity; And sometimes, life hands you the gift that not one person can take from you. Something that love can not define. The chance to be a part of the life you always hoped and dreamed to have. Sometimes life gets in the way of the things we want most in this world. The things we dreamed of, the things we were scared to reach for. Sometimes life has a way of teaching us that at some points in our lives, the people we once walked hand in hand with and stand by their side, will walk with us to keep us safe, and keep us close to their hearts. When those times come to our hearts, it is a decision torn between what we wish to have, what we want to have, and what we need to do. Sometimes the love we share and feel for another is given to us as a gift that we cherish even when it seems like we do not. People will always be a part of our lives, no matter what. The people we choose to have as part of our lives will always hold a piece of our heart no matter how scared we are to let them walk the paths they wish to take. Being true to the very things we dislike to admit. Sometimes life has a different plan. I have faith. Always have and will, that one day, somewhere along the line... he will be waiting. Life is a beautiful struggle, but I am strong. He is stronger than any person I know. But I have faith in hope and love. Some part of life will reward him with the love and happiness he deserves. Sometimes our lives are meant to be with those whom are handed to us in the moment we desperately need a heart to cling to, arms to hold us and the sweet murmur of a voice to comfort us. I am thankful the love I share is there for those to see. Because no matter the ill people speak of me. I know you are wrong. What we share is that of experience. I share this with you. Be kind to those who are sent to you as the gift of grace placed before your eyes. Love those who show you the care and affection you swear you do not deserve. Always trust they will guide you in your times of doubt. Hold onto the memories, laughter and tears you shared. Without those.... your life is not worth sharing to another.

38 Year Old · Female · From Queensland, Australia · Invited by: PANDAmonium · Joined on July 29, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 3rd
I am a writer, I am a singer and a mother. I study and work hard to show my children that no matter what you can be the best you can be.

I love music and love reading.

I am the type of person who would prefer to sit back and snuggle up in front of the television having a coffee rather than going out and partying.

I am into old school rock, rock, metal, I enjoy listening to ballads. Depends on my mood. There is nothing more peaceful and enjoyable than sitting down watching a person play the guitar singing along. That is a moment I am hoping to experience every night when I find the right person for me.
Well Channing Tatum wins hands down for my movie viewing pleasure. But he has equal competition when it comes to Jason Statham in the transporter. I enjoy watching actions and horrors. Do not mind the odd chick flick, but it is not something I will do often. I stay away from movies like Saw that are just purely violence with no strong story line.

I prefer watching movies which are based on true stories. Love my war movies also. Especially love watching We were Soldiers.
I admire any person who has a fixated passion, whether it be writing, computers, nature, camping, fishing.... I think you get the idea. Something they are interested in that will allow me to learn more as well as share with them my interest which they may not be into.
Video Games
I am an online gamer. Hate to say it, a bit of a computer geek. Love my FPS and RPG. The games I play frequently are DOTA2 and CS:S.

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  • Kitty Had my baby :) he is happy and healthy!! 19 days old and counting :)
    9 years ago · Comment

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