37 Year Old
From Jacksonville, FL·
Invited by: Tiphanee·
Joined on June 9, 2007
Born on November 14th
37 Year Old
From Jacksonville, FL·
Invited by: Tiphanee·
Joined on June 9, 2007
Born on November 14th
My name is Hailee. I'm 19 years old, Im from Florida. I have an older sister Tiphanee. I love to party, Drink and be crazy. I love making new friends. I love talking to new people. I love puppys. I have tons of pictures. I guess you can say im a photo whore.
hey, still looking beautiful in your pics! You need to get online more often though, I'd love to chat with you sometime, and you should post more pics....pics of you = a good thing!
came across your page and thought id drop in and say hi! rated and fanned ya! if you could do the same that would be WONDERFUL!If you already have Thanks so much! Get More at COMMENTYOU.com
Hi , I was cruising around found your profile which is Great I’d Give you 1000 points but they only allow 10If you have the time visit my page vote and fan me ,if you want too…. Layout Codes Myspace Resources Top Comment Graphics
Tonight at 9:00pm (Eastern US) we will be hosting a party in the Hot Rocks Radio Lounge. We will be giving away Prizes and rocking out to the best music around. Come meet our DJ's and the Mighty Hot Shots! This is one party you do NOT want to miss!