Joined on July 22, 2013
Born on November 30th
I have a crush on someone!
Let's see I'm not too good at talking about my self, But here goes. I am 30 years old lives in Ohio I enjoy such things as, camping, fishing, chatting online. Hanging with friends. I was born with spina bifida. Am in a wheelchair, But raised too not view my self as. Disabled. I have four tats, no children. I am into the alternative lifestyle. Of bdsm, M/s ...S&M ...gor. those that don't like my choices your loss I belive in doing what makes you happy reguardless. of how others think. Umm I do smoke. Also am 420 accepting my religion is like my lifestyle. One of various belief. But too sum it up I practice a pagan / vampiric path. More too come, till then chat me up ask me anything I'm fairly open minded.
Joined on July 22, 2013
Born on November 30th
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
MrWheelz313 to all my fubar friends, my utmost apology for not returning all your drinks or even keeping much in touch. fubar just sits an spins dosnt load or allow me to do anything .. and i have cable net. sighs so as soon as i know how to delete my account i will b