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Joined on June 8, 2007 · Born on November 30th · I have a crush on someone!
Joined on June 8, 2007 · Born on November 30th · I have a crush on someone!

BUT AN INFLICTING WOUND. THIS IS HOW I'M WIRED. I am DEEPER than you think.If you would like to contradict me, I'm game. I can most likely figure you out within 5 minutes of having a conversation with you. I hunger to be an obstruction of your mind. I thirst for you to figure me out.You have now entered my masquerade. You can uncover your facade.I believe myself to be genuine and I would never betray the ones I love. I value my family and those who are REAL. I like to be fascinated by the anomalous. I am constantly thinking and I love to write poetry. I have Loved... Lost... and Learned. The three things that every soul should feel. I yearn for those that put a smile on my face. I crave for the one that will give to me what I will give back. I do not belong in anyone's Virus. Satisifaction is found on my own. Don't Lust for what you See... Desire what you know. .cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Losing Grip VideoLosing Grip lyrics - Avril Lavigne lyricsAvril Lavigne Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure

Joined on June 8, 2007 · Born on November 30th · I have a crush on someone!
God ur a slut.......

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