 | You scored as you are a road king,
you are a road king | | 33% | you are a sportster | | 17% | you are a v-rod | | 0% |
what harley are youcreated with
I Love to make people happy...and creating smiles where I go.
I love plants and flower gardens animals and birds, cooking and eating, hugs and kisses for no reason...and many more things.
I smoke so GET OVER IT !!!
I always dreamed of travel but have gone few places I like seeing great views and new places and people NOT tourist traps.
I still remember seeing the Canadian Prairies my 1st time and the wonder and awwwww it filled me with. I have one tattoo its a sheaf of wheat tied in a blue bow to show my LOVE of Saskatchewan took me a year to decide how to best show my love, wasn't done on a whim.
I see simple beauty as most people don't. U show me something like a great field of purple flax blooms or a kind heart and I will show TOTAL love in my eyes and words.
I give what I get so treat me with respect & trust please and U will earn it back 10 times over. My word is my bond... I neber tell secrets unless to save a life and I will tell U up front 1st.
I hate violence and anger... will run a mile from a fight unless a friend or child needs defended. But I will send help back if I think someone wants it.
I know I sound like I have a GIANT ego... I don't... hurt me and I will hide like a turtle and will neber trust U again... so make sure U hurt me for a darned good reason... not some minor mood swing...
Liars are people that steal the truth... I have NO use for them... back stabbers are the worst form of life... but I heal fast with the love of true friends
NOT just anyone/everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 | You scored as A Sicko, You are a SICK FUCK!! You would do almost anything to get off. You know how to be wild, try new stuff and let loose and be crazy. You are at the top of the Horny/Sexual ladder, a very coveted paosition by many. People call you Sick, but those are the ones that think it but don't have the balls to do it. You will be an exploding sex partner, if they can handle it.... Rock On.
A Sicko | | 80% | Very Kinky | | 70% | Average | | 60% | A WUSS !! | | 30% |
How sexual are youcreated with
| You scored as Hot, You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.
Hot | | 100% | Soft | | 94% | Exciting | | 75% | Sweet | | 63% | Wet | | 56% | Violent | | 38% | Awkward | | 31% | Shy | | 25% |
What is your sexual style?created with
| You scored as Adventurous, You are open to many things in sex.
Adventurous | | 100% | Knowledgeable | | 100% | Flirty | | 83% | Kinky | | 67% | Lustful | | 58% | Loving | | 50% | Prudish | | 50% | Unaware | | 42% | Emotional | | 42% | Slutty | | 25% |
Sexual Personalitycreated with