Joined on June 6, 2007
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone!
Pandora's curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box, releasing all the misfortunes of mankind (plague, sorrow, poverty, crime, etc.). Once opened, she shut it in time to keep one thing in the box:..... hope
Joined on June 6, 2007
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone!
Anything by Sidney Sheldon, Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Dean Koontz (after 2000). Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned, etc.). Dan Brown is great(author of The Da Vinci Code), books by him that I enjoyed are: Deception Point, Angels & Demons, and Digital Fortress. I love C.S. Lewis too.. Narnia used to be my dream world. Original V.C.Andrews, "Flowers in the Attic" is an amazing book. I just read a Mary Higgins Clark novel (Daddy's Little Girl) on my way to DC, and enjoyed it, so maybe I'll start on a few of hers. So any suggestions of quality authors are
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