46 Year Old
Joined on June 6, 2007
Born on December 31st
46 Year Old
Joined on June 6, 2007
Born on December 31st
the jack
the jim
playin in my band, just playin music full stop really
fuck it, if ya wanna know come ask me!!
i looooove the metal!
currently rockin out to UNEARTH.....FEAR MY THOUGHTS.......THE HAUNTED....PANTERA (always!).....LAMB OF GOD......TWELVE TRIBES....i dunno...fuckin everything that growls!
i also like
chris cornell, portishead, fiona apple, cardigans and wimpy stuff according to my buddies.
cant be one dimensional!
Video Games
ok gone back to the gamecube...the most sociable of all consoles....fuck ps3 and xbox360!
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i just popped your cherry Layout Codes Myspace Resources Top Comment Graphics Add some text,photos aand visit mumms add comments just get involved and have some fun etc Please stop by my page vote and fan me ,add me if you would like too ,I don’t bite