42 Year Old
Invited by: 1780·
Joined on June 4, 2007
Born on September 25th
I have a crush on someone!
Guess this is where Im spose to wright about me. Im 24, I love going to the beach and being with my family. Im usualy the one that stays in the house, but there are times that me and my better half go out for a night of fun. When I say better half, I meen the man Im marring next March. He's so good to me. Then there's my son. I had him at the age of 17. He's my world, must I add a sexy somthin. So watch out for your sisters, doughters and neices. That's my baby. My grandma? She's more like my mom and best friend. She's allways there for me. I don't know ehat I would do without her. If you can't tell im really in to family. Sometimes I think there all I have. I can finaly call my self independet! That feels so good. I have my own home, a nice car, I pay my own bills, and Chico (my future husband ) Daedae ( my son ) and we never go with out.
42 Year Old
Invited by: 1780·
Joined on June 4, 2007
Born on September 25th
I have a crush on someone!
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