Joined on June 3, 2007
Born on February 26th
Joined on June 3, 2007
Born on February 26th
Rugby runs through the family..great sport and really enjoy playing it.
Lol of coarse EVERY girl Loves shopping Lol.. Great thing to do on your spare time ..
Love partyen with all my friends:)..Have lots of fun on fridays with every1 in town... Love checkin out da chemmy parties Lol..
These People mean the world to me, Cudnt do anything without them of coarse.. Every1 needs a bestfriend, and i got TWO of em:D..Great people, Love em to death:D
Chase Victoria dale Hyggen & Stephanie Michelle Peterson
What cud I do without my family, These people mean more than the world to me, there my support in life:) Love them all to death.. My mum, dad, and my three brothers
Shout out to my Bestt!! Brother Kylie:)
Gotta go to skewl, either wut i hate it.., I need it. Im gunna graduate and Go to collage :)
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