Hi there, or maybe I should say goodbye. I will shortly be leaving Furbar (maybe for good) and I thought I should drop by my friends and tell you (rather then letting you think I am ignoring you) my main reason for leaving is a change in my work, my new job will have me traveling quite a lot to places that a network connection will be as rare as a competent politician, lol. But I have a second reason to leave Fubar. Simply put the childish and often malicious attitude that seems to have become the norm here. I would rather share my limited network time with few true friends that enjoy my company then having to put up with petty cowards hiding behind there screen names. Simply put, there is enough drama in my life as it is. I wish those true friends I have met here all the best, you that still wish to here from me every now and then can drop me a line on yahoo messenger, if I can I would love to keep in touch and shear a few laughs, otherwise, I thank you for what you sheared and wish you a long and happy life. MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts