Let's see...I'm from Long Beach, but live in Iowa now. In a nut shell, I married a Navy man and he was from Iowa. Without going into detail, we were married for 10 years, he left and now lives in Chicago with my boat...I got the house and he got the boat. A 22.5' Crownline, teal green with a 454 and a bravo three stainless steel prop. I named it and everything. I ended up staying in Iowa, and have been here a total of 15 years. WAY to long. Don't get me wrong...Iowa is great, but I HATE the winters. It's time for me to go. Go back to the West! I'm going to move to Arizona and I hope I'll be there by October. It really depends on when I sell my house. Anyway...
I love boating, camping, Harley's, tattoos (on guys necks and arms are my fav's.) I'm into fairies so that's going to be my next tattoo. I only have one now. I love all kinds of music, but I'd say I listen to hard core rock 98% of the time. LAZER 103.3 is a kick ass station. I've been lucky enough to have lived in two places that have given us awesome music. AND Jesse James (I love him). LBC to DSM...Sublime to Slipknot. Could it get any better?
I love to go on road trips. Sometimes just driving on gravel roads in the middle of nowhere. That's a lot of fun. At night the stars are so amazing. I love to travel too. Someday I'll get to Bora Bora.
Okay, I'm just babbling now so I'll sign off for now and I'll talk to ya later! Have a great day!
I love comedies and scary movies. I love the paranormal kinda stuff. It's scary too, but cool at the same time. Mel Brooks is my favorite for comedies and Stephen King is one of my fav's for the scary stuff. Again, if I sat here long enough...
All the men and women in our military, the living and deceased people involved in 9~11. All the victims living and deceased in hurricane katrina. My Mom,and My Grandma's
People I'd like to meet~My Grandpa's, Dale Earnhardt, Jesse James, Ellen Degeneres, Oprah, Mike Myers, Bob Hope, JFK, tupac, Jerry Garcia, and Brad Nowell. I could sit here all day, but these are just off the top of my head.