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32 Year Old · Female · From Toronto, ON, Canada · Joined on May 13, 2013 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 18th


Fear Factory-zero Signal Mp3

Aloha there my fine friend; my name is Camillia. To be honest, I'm probably one of the kindest people you will ever meet. I know that makes me sound kind of full of myself, but I promise that I'm only being honest. To me, being kind to people is one of the very best things you can do in life. In fact, I try to be nice to everyone, even those who aren't particularly nice to me (I figure that the people who are the meanest, are the ones who really need you to be the nicest; however I refuse to be stepped on just because you're in a sucky mood).

Also, I am totally, unequivocally unbiased. It sounds kind of phony, but it's true. I don't feel differently about anybody, regardless of their age, race, gender, creed, political beliefs, etc. To me everyone is a person, and therefor equally good (and bad). It's true that there are many people and many practices that I don't personally agree with; but I always try to keep an open mind, and to try and make sure not judge people based solely on one aspect of their life.

Well, I have been through quite a bit in my short life. I think that my life experiences have opened my eyes to both the good and bad in life, and have also given me the knowledge to look further than just skin-deep.

I'm going to college for biochemistry, commercial music, and possibly english. I have an wonderful car. I do not have a cell phone, however I can text, but much rather prefer phone conversations. And yeah.

I don't make promises lightly, and when I make them, I intend on keeping them. I personally refuse to lie to anyone about any reasonable matter simply because I would like to have that same respect shown to me.

I adore photography, music, dancing, long-boarding, reading, writing, drawing, exploring, meandering, and smiling. Since I am an avid writer (I'm currently working on a few short stories as well as a novella) I don't appreciate text talk.

I'm finally active on other sites, such as Tumblr. So you should follow me (I'll be more than happy to follow you back).

Oh, I'm happy to talk to anyone willing! In other words, yes I would love to make friends. However, I will only "friend" people who I actually talk to. Oh, if you were nice and actually bothered to read this, thank you; and you should put 'Tazia tastes fruity' somewhere in your message to me. That's about it, if you want to know more please feel free to ask me.

Note: Yeah, I'm not interested in a relationship with you. So, sorry if you think I'm flirting with you. Apparently my kindness and friendliness, make me seem flirtatious. I'm not interested in any sort of long-distance romantic relationships; least of all with some boneheaded asshole. So, I didn't mean to flirt with you, nor do I mean to lead you on. Also, kindly avoid flirting with me as it will lead to me blocking your dumb ass. Anywho, I'm more than happy to be friends. (:

32 Year Old · Female · From Toronto, ON, Canada · Joined on May 13, 2013 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 18th

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  • Camillia need cherrybombed 5 times for level requirement =).
    11 years ago · Comment

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