36 Year Old
Joined on May 28, 2007
Born on July 26th
i'm pretty much up for anything, i play football for my highschool team were the broken arro tigers...hell ya...umm im not scared of much , if u dare me to do sumtin ill probley do it lol well thats me
36 Year Old
Joined on May 28, 2007
Born on July 26th
Thank you so much for adding me as a friend! I left some love on your page! I hope you have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon. (B) CHEERS
Just coming by to check out your page!!!! Gave you a 10. When you come back by my page, please check to see if you rated me too. Also, on my page you can find links to my Yahoo group, Myspace page, and my different websites Hope you are having a wonderful week! Don't forget to check out my pictures when you get a chance. Now that we are friends, you can view my"NSFW" pictures. (If you can't see them, check my blog for instructions on how to fix your settings.http://cherrytap.com/blog/11198/112553) Would love to know what you think of them! I look forward to getting to know you. I would love it if you became a fan of mine!(If you already have, thank you!)