52 Year Old
From Lawrence, KS·
Invited by: 903255·
Joined on May 28, 2007
Born on August 31st
I have a crush on someone!
well about me, iam funny ,sad, and a smartass, ia a sholder to cry on but iam human so forgive me ,i think normal is a naughty word.and yes aim bi and i do suport my gay brothers and sisters. there is no such thing as to many freinds . anything u want to know just ask.but ask nicely.
52 Year Old
From Lawrence, KS·
Invited by: 903255·
Joined on May 28, 2007
Born on August 31st
I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
i love to play world of warcraft, or ff7 or a good first person shooter.
my musical intrest rang from duran duran all the way toby mac, linkin park , ozzy beasty boys, prince stephen wolf.and thats is just some of what i listen to.
“The most important point is to accept yourself and stand on your two feet..”~Shunryu Suzuk(Today's Zen Wisdom)From the Duck Files..Case 003...Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?it's THURSDAY! i'm out spreading some southern love,have a TANTALIZING day! *hugz* ayasha
CLICK HERE!Miss chattin with you. Damn rain knockin out my power! =(Hope it clears up soon......