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66 Year Old · Female · From North Carolina · Joined on May 6, 2013 · Relationship status: Widowed · Born on March 1st
66 Year Old · Female · From North Carolina · Joined on May 6, 2013 · Relationship status: Widowed · Born on March 1st

I am just myself. I answer question honestly, so if you don't want to hear the truth don't ask, that way no ones feelings get hurt. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. I exspect the same from you. I have been pushed to the edge and haven't done anyone any harm, YET. It would be best not to push your luck. Other than that I pretty much laid back. Laid back, what is that exactly ? I can get a long with the good, the bad and the ugly, it's your choice. It's easier to say what I won't do rather than what I will. I won't jump out or off of anything. I won't eat worms, bugs or spiders, no frog legs either. No drugs, no origies, no drinking and driving. You pretty much get the idea, right ? Don't be cute and come up with stupid, gross or smartass ideas. I have morals, standards, and ideals and I stick to them. Can I be Fun, Sure ! I'll whoop your ass at pool, darts, fishing, target shooting and driving. I can plant you a garden that will keep you fed all season ( don't know how to can yet ).
I don't own a new car, don't want too.I'll wash my car when some little brat writes something in the dust. I'm not interested in going to hair and nail salons ALL the time. Every now and again a nice dinner out is great, on the other hand, drive thru's are just as good. Alright lets go to the next block and continue. I guess we get points or something for filling them in.

66 Year Old · Female · From North Carolina · Joined on May 6, 2013 · Relationship status: Widowed · Born on March 1st
Hello again. As the above already says... Fishing, shooting ( nothing live, unless it's about to kill me )darts, the ocean, walking on the beach when the dam sun isn't baking my ass. walking in the forest. Dinner, movies, chocolate wine, yes I said Chocolate wine. It is bloody amazing ! NASCAR, good ole dirt tracks where you go home with as much dirt on yourself as the cars. Rodeo's, bull riding, tubing. Get the drift ? Good, because I'm tired of doing this.
COUNTRY ! Old, new, rockabilly,blue grass, old rock and roll, Bagpipes,I love good bagpipe rock and roll ( Red Hot Chili Pipers ). And a whole lot more.
No horror, no sub titles
My father and mother
Video Games
hidden objects and word games.

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