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54 Year Old · Male · Invited by: SexxyKatt · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on January 12th
54 Year Old · Male · Invited by: SexxyKatt · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on January 12th

I was watching Oprah one day (if you tell anyone I'll deny it) and she told someone that being lucky is when preparation meets opportunity and you're prepared when that happens. With that being said I find myself in this unlucky situation because I wasn't prepared for life, and by failing to plan, I was planning to fail, without even realizing it! (if I knew then, what I know now...) So with this moment of clarity I've had, I'm making the necessary preparation to stay ready, so I won't have to get ready. Which means I'm working on me, making the mandatory changes and adjustments that need to be made. In doing so, I'm hoping to attract the type of person I'm setting out to become. Well, this is my attempt at preparing to try to meet that person, that someone who'll make me feel like luck is finally smiling down on me. Now the question I leave you with is: "Will I be lucky enough to have the opportunity to get to meet you?" Inquiring minds would like to know...

Women are like apples on a tree, the best ones are at the top of the tree, but us men don't want to reach for the good one's, because we are afraid of falling and getting hurt. So instead we just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't that good, but are easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them when in reality they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree for them. Well this is my attempt at climbing all the way to the top of the tree to go get that one good apple, and I'm not afraid anymore of falling and getting hurt. I guess you can say I'm like the Lion from "The Wizard of Oz" I've finally gotten that courage I needed. So the question I have for you is; Are you ready to ease on down this yellow brick road to want to get to know me?

54 Year Old · Male · Invited by: SexxyKatt · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on January 12th

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