54 Year Old
From Henderson, TN·
Invited by: 343202·
Joined on May 27, 2007
Born on June 15th
well lets see were do i start. i'm 37 years old and have two boys that keep me pretty busy but not so busy that i can't have a personal life. i'm not looking for a relationship or a boyfriend right now. i just got rid of a husband on febuary 14th of this year and am enjoying my freedom. i have discovered a few things about myself that i had hidden for so many years but now i am willing to explore those things with some good friends(with benefits). i have just a few expectations from those friends. #1 if we make plans show up. #2 if you show up make sure you can get it up. #3 make sure that if you get it up you know how to use it without having to be instructed. #4 don't say you will call if your not i'm a big girl and can handle the truth.(these go for men and women) a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">
54 Year Old
From Henderson, TN·
Invited by: 343202·
Joined on May 27, 2007
Born on June 15th
i love music and going to live concerts. some of my favorites are shinedown, AFI, black stone cherry, nickleback, daughty, buckcherry and so many more it would take for ever to name them all. Myspace Layouts
my idols are my parents. my mom for making me the woman and mother i am today. for showing me how to not let an illness control me but how to control it and make the best of a awful sitiuation. my father for being there for my mom when she got breast cancer and seeing her through the fight and for when she lost that fight having the courage to go on without her.
my father my hero may he rest in peace. 12-03-1946/08-06-2007.