49 Year Old
From Alexandria, VA·
Joined on May 27, 2007
Born on July 12th
I'm an artist and find life to be the most beautiful art in itself. I was born in Seoul, Korean and adopted at the age of 7 to an American family. At 18 ran away to find myself. My experiences have taught me to understand the great powers that money has and have been learning to control it's powers to benefit people rather ruin them. Life isn't about working all the time. There is so little appreciation for the small things in life because we are fighting to survive in the world. There are so many amazing experiences that go on everyday and yet very few of us have the opportunity to not feel the stress of money and to have the time to ponder on all that we do have. Money to give you freedom is one part of the whole picture in finding the balance in life. But this is one major obstacle that stops the one's who have the desire to help others, the money. That shouldn't be the factor which distinguishes our value but no matter how we look at it in life, you cannot ignore money in your life because being human it's a necessary requirement to survive. There are too many good people out there who need to be given tools to have financial freedom because the secret to understand how to find peace and balance in life, is by feeling the pleasure of giving and knowing that you are doing good for those who need it.
If you know of a product or service that generates money with little to no start up money and that is auto-pilot and turn key, please let me know.
ms B
49 Year Old
From Alexandria, VA·
Joined on May 27, 2007
Born on July 12th
Artist (All forms)- My claim to fame is fashion photography and my way to make money as an artist is hairstyling. My supplement job for my art is internet marketing.