36 Year Old
From Bullhead City, AZ·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old
From Bullhead City, AZ·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
My name is Mina, I'm 20.
36 Year Old
From Bullhead City, AZ·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Born on January 2nd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I love to read, listen to music and I write poems. Writing is the main thing I've concentrated on as a career. I've given up skatebording on the fact that I keep breaking my boards and cant keep buying new ones all the time. I'm just trying to keep my money saved for a car of my own.
Movies, what can I say about them? Some are really good(Transformers), and some suck ass (I dont remember because they sucked). Ill go to the movies alone sometimes just to relax and have time to myself.
My message today holds no glitter nor gold,It holds nothing which can be bought or sold........My message this day to friends far apart,Is a message held dear coming from the heart.....This message sends you special magic from above,It brings to my friends all of my love......_______,-~-. ___.--.___ .-~-,______________/ .- ,'__________`. -._____________ ` /`__________' '/______________`-/___'a___a`___-'_________________|____,'(_)`.____|_____________________( ._|_.)____/___________________.-`._______,'-.__________________,'__,'___`F'___`.__`.______________/___/_____R_________________,'____/______I_________`.______,'_____|______E_______|_____`.___|_____,'|______N_______|`._____|___`.__,'_.-_____D______/-._`.__,'___________/_`.____S____,'___________.""-._,'______`._:_,'_____`.,-"".___/_,-._`_______)___(________'_,-.__(_(___`._____,'_____`.______,'___)_)________,'________`.____/___/_/_Hugs Love And FriendshipYOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO TELL 10 FRIENDS THAT YOU LOVE THEM (INCLUDING ME) OR 2008 WILL BE YOUR WORST YEAR. SO I LOVE YOU! GO!
Yeah, so I got an X-ray today and they found you in my heart.The dr. said if I took you out, I would die cuz I could not live without you....Give this heart to every person u care about including me if u care.Try to collect 12. It's not easy.............$$$............$$$.................$........$......$.......$...............$...........$............$..............$......................$..................$..................$.......................$.............$............................$.......$...................................$...................
ROSES ARE REDDIAMONDS ARE BLUEI WILL FIGHT ANY BodyTHAT Mess WITH UNOW SEND THISTO EVERYONE WHOSEBACK U GOT including me+88_________________+880________+880_______________++80________++88_____Homie____+880_________++88_____________++88__________+880___________++88___________+888_________++880____________++880_______++880_____________++888_____+++880______________++8888__+++8880++88___________+++8888+++8880++8888___________++888++8888+++888888+80_______++88++8888++8888888++888______++++++888888fx88888888888_______++++++88888888888888888_______++++++++000888888888888________+++++++00008f8888888888_________+++++++00088888888888__________+++++++0888f8888888___________+++++++08888l888888____________+++++++8888888888BeStIeS TiLL ThE FrEaKiN EnD !!AnD AfTeR ThAt We StILL RiDe In H3AvEn!ThIs Is A TeSt T0 SeE H0W MaNy H0M13S AnD HoMeGiRlZ YoU GoT!! WhEn YoU G3T ThIs SeNt ThiS TO TeN HoMIeSInClUdInG ThE H0MiE ThAt SeNt It To U"
Hey you looking for a cool lounge to hang out with great music and a great atmosphere. I got the place for you, No Limits Lounge. Thename says it all. We play every thing from rock to country, to rap and anywhere in between. We also have a freindly and awsome staff and great djs. So stop in and see what your missing. Thats the NoLimits Lounge. JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO ENTER