49 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Invited by: 486670·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 23rd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
49 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Invited by: 486670·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 23rd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT ME……For starters those who know me know that I take life as a joke. A straight forward guy, I don’t like to sugar coat anything. I enjoy talking shit so for those who can’t handle it get out of my fucking profile. Love me hate me it’s all the same, just keep note that I’m still in your thoughts and you have feelings for me HAHA. I’m very understanding to any problem but cross me once and you’ll know I’m one asshole you shouldn’t have fucked with. I love to party with friends and hang out with my kids. I enjoy the darkness not because I’m lonely or suffered a freaking tragedy. There is plenty of misery, torment and suffering in the world to keep entertained. I just have a wicked mind. Many tell me I’m in my on world that I’m out there with the thoughts I have. So what it’s me and it puts a smile on my face. If there is anything else you would like to know ask don’t assume cause it makes and ASS out of U and ME, just because you read this little intro doesn’t mean you have knowledge of who I am. "Up until now, you have spent your life among the dead, piecing together their final moments. You're good at this because, you, like them, are also dead. Dead, on the inside. You identify more with a cold corpse then with a living human."
49 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Invited by: 486670·
Joined on May 25, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 23rd
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Hello!!!(diopmelina99@live.fr)My name is melina, I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile in and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring man that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my email address at (diopmelina99@live.fr)so that I can also send my picture directly to you.regards,miss melina.
A lucky star dropped on earth1 night, and it asked me"what do you want?a million dollars ora true friend?".I chose a million dollars .....becausei already got YOU.*Send this to 10 ofyour true friends of fubarIf you get this back you area true friend*000000000000000_00000000000000000000000000000___000000000000000000000000000_____0000000000000000000000000_______00000000000000000000000_________0000000000000___________________________00000______*TRUE FRIEND*______000000000 _________________00000000000000_________________0000000000000_________0_________00000000000_______0000000_______000000000_____0000000000000_____0000000___0000000000000000000___00000__00000000000000000000000__000000000000000000000000000000000
<--- This person would never hurt you<--- This person is a true friend<--- This person has your back<--- This person is always there for youI want you to know that you are amazing, & I love you to death.If I dont get this back, I understand.But I have a game for you.Once you read this comment, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you.If you receive at least 7 back, then you are"Loved Native American Comments & Graphics Native American Comments & Graphics
Pass this heart to People that you love...!!!! If u are in thesepeoples heart..then they will send this heart back to you...(i hope im one of those people ) lets see how many heart you get_______0000000000000________0000000000000_________ ______000000000000000000__000000000000000000_______ ____000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_____ ___00000000000000___000000000___0000000000000000___ __000000000000000___000000000___00000000000000000__ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_ _0000000000___000000000000000000000___000000000000_ __000000000___000000000000000000000___00000000000__ ___000000000___0000000000000000000___00000000000___ _____000000000___000000000000000___00000000000_____ _______00000000____00000000000____0000000000_______ __________0000000_______________000000000__________ _____________0000000000000000000000000_____________ ______________000000000000000000000_______________ __________________000000000000000__________________ ____________________0000000000______Smile__________ ______________________000000_______________________ _______________________0000________________________ ________________________00_________________________"SEND THiS HEART ToO 10 PEOPLE U ABSOLUTELY LOVE ToO DEATH!5 mins ago /
I HOPE I GET THIS BACKI believe that withoutfriends you are missing out on a lot!!!But don't just send it back, send it on to everyone..Have a nice day, and I'm glad we are friends!!!""......... , . ~ . ~ , ~ , .................... ).. - ~. . ' ..( .................... ( . . . ...(......) ....................| . . . . . ).....| ....................{.. . . . .(. . ./ ........................ =(.. /.)= .............................. -;..;-' .................................)|( , .................................. || _.-'| .......................... , _|| .._,/ .................... , ... ....|| .' .......................|...|...,...||/ ......................./...| /|., |Y|| ....................... '-...'-._....||/ ........................... >_.-..Y| ................................ , _|| ..................................... || ..................................... || ..................................... || ......................................||.....................Send this rose to everyone you careabout including me if you care. Seehow many times you get this, I prayyou get a DOZEN!".
Hi there....I just came by to rate your pics and stash and to also thank you again for your generous donation to my spotlight fund awhile ago. I hope you are having a wonderful and fun filled week!~~Curvaliciousbbw~~