READ THIS BEFORE YER ADD ME YER?Ok my name obviously isn't DirtyFaggot it's Hannah.I wish i was Japanese.Dont let my pictures trick you, I'm ugly fat and tiny in REAL life... i just know how to take good pictures and work angles.I love people kissing my neck.And i sleep with my hand down my pants :) LOL,I've been told I'm a boy in a girls body.. its great ^_^I LOVE having a laugh... i find anything and everything funny.I get told i drink too much... but no-one is perfect..I love all my friends they all mean so much to me!I have wierd little quirks which make me me like being petrefied of wrists and making wierd noises.I get VERY jelous, very easily... dont like it? fuck off tbf :)I'm an emo get over it.i love all my friendsi live .. haha not telling you that you little stalkers..i used to be a chavif you wanna get to know me you got a fat chance cos i cba with any of you fags anymore. DO NOT talk to me in my shoutbox, To many people use it so I will probably not reply so yeah message me instead.I DO NOT CARE what you rate my pictures BUT I do like photo comments (: Add My msn slags -