First I want you to know that I love you to death and you are amazing.. if I don't get this back I understand.. But...I have a game for you.Once you read this letter you must send it to 14 people that you really care about including the person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back then you are loved."Nobody knows what they have until they loose it You never leave the person whom you love for the one you like, because that person who you like will leave you for the person whom they love... Tonight right at 12:00am your true love is going to realize that they LOVE you! something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years. sends this to 15 people in 15 minutes. do it if you wanna know who your real love is!I promise you my loveI promise you my heartI promise you my lifeI promise we'll never be apartI promise not to hurt youI promise to never make you cryI promise to always trust youI promise not to lieI promise you foreverI promise you tonightI promise you my respectI promise to do things rightI promise to always be thereI promise until the endI promise to always love youI promise to be your best friendI promise you my loveI promise you my lifeI promise this foreverI promise our friendship is my lifeyour the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,your the STAR to my BURST,your the M to my M,your the POP to my TART,your the MILKY to my WAY,your the FRUIT to my LOOP,your the MILK to my DUDS,your the LUCKY to my CHARMS,your the ICE to my CREAM,but mostly....your the BEST to my FRIENDDon't worry...Be happy...."""THEY SAY IT TAKES A MINUTE.............TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, ............AN HOUR TO APPRECIATE THEM, .....AND A LIFETIME TO FORGET THEM..." 3 hr ago
There are many people that we meet in our lives but only a very few will make a lasting impression on our minds and hearts It is these people that we will think of often and who will always remain important to us as true friends Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes your life by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship... When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friends lifts you up in spirit and make that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk across, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you will feel happy and complete, because you need not worry. You have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end! Send this too all your friendsif you get 5 back you have friends, if you get 10 you are truly loved by your friends
Hey There...Great Profile...Stopped by and left you a Profile Rate....If you have the Time and you dont mind stop by and do the same Please....Hope you have a Wonderful Day!!!!
Hey there girl will you help me out by leaving me some comments for me in this conest just click the photo above this and it will take you to the link. Thanks Heather.