36 Year Old
Invited by: don780·
Joined on May 23, 2007
Born on September 26th
Hey I'm Jessica-Lyn. I'm 18.. I'm pergnant with my first baby.. I have a boyfriend named Remie. Hes not only my boyfriend but the father to our baby.. And my bestfreind... I live in a small town in Northern Alberta, Canada. Umm I have 4 siblings.. I have 3 older sisters and a older brother. But only one of my sisters is my full sibling, the rest are half. Umm Im not into the guys that are really old.. So if you have grey hair.. Yah dont talk to me. I can be a bitch very much so.. So think about that you say before u send me anything. Umm I think thats it for now...TTYL
36 Year Old
Invited by: don780·
Joined on May 23, 2007
Born on September 26th