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69 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th
69 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th

Hello, not quite what I meant but I will join in the fun with script of me.
#I am an introvert #2 my foot is in it most often #3 Men like me, a lot of them, and I really don't know why
#4 I'm a nerd #5 I adore gardening, getting hands dirty, so hands are not pretty.
#5 I love children, was a neonatal nurse and leche teacher as well. I am a lover of family, though most of mine are all gone now.
I love perfume, good perfume, Men who have about a 1/2 day growth of beard are sexy. men who are quiet turn my keys, Men who love their moms are fabulous. I like men that respect and listen to a lady, men who open doors for me. I am eclectic, nd what catches my fancy may not be in the now. I dress to please me. My romantic spirit has ben bruised for a long time, I am slow to warm up but when I do...I'm warm,,,love a fireplace, yummy coconut cake, love all forms of light touch it is scintillating, like to initiate myself at times. am superstitious. Mom was part black, dad was Indian and scotish Mom was also black Irish, I am a caracature of an Irish girl. funny really. I llve for R kelly's music when a man lies touches me as does when a woman loves. I am a dreamer, cinderella and alice in wonderland

69 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 12, 2013 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th
Audobon, looking at very pretty birds...I adore hummingbird fights and their mating
flowering shrubs like roses, peonies,tea olives, hydrangeas turn me on, I enjoy gourmet cooking, it is enticing, and good because I gain easily, love chocolate. Wish women had made the decicion tp dtay at home and rear babies its good forthe kids and i believe marriage. I also like careers, hard to have both. I tried. Made mistakes but loved motherhood. I taught math to the neighborhood kids, but Dad was military we moved a lot. I love travel. In 2007 developed Parkinson and MS. MS was in remission till this year. I have met a wonderful man who is of Indian(India) and Ghanese heritage, he is a genius and I love to hear his thougts. He and I plan marriage. I can only pray, I am examining self actualization at this time in my life. My life is private. so enough. I guess you can see I move to a different drummer. from marathon runner at one time to a farm owner to a divorce to refurbish a cabin alone, and have refurbished 1 huge yacht then gave it away, couldn't afford dock rent anymore. I want to be in love, it turns me on. I want to greet my partner with a smile and take the woes of the world off of him, I want home to be haven and jprecious. no fights at my supper, no aruing in front of kids even if they are adult. it confuses them. I love sex, miss it and plan to enjoy it again someday.

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