41 Year Old
Joined on April 6, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 21st
I'm not gonna lie I hand craft the fuckin sweetest smoking pipes on the planet! There not made of cheap glass that has very little value. I take pride in being good at just about everything I take part in! Never had a role model just on my own. Don't fall prey to today's fake and hype 95 % of you out there are are fake as shit and just do shit to fit in! I don't need people to make me feel better about myself for if you knew me you would find out that I am the real deal and fuckin awesome! I don't talk about others behind there back no need to stoop that low! If you need to talk shit about someone your a piece of shit and deserve a slow and painful death or perhaps an eternity of eating there own shit! That leaves 5 % of you that are actually worth something! So chances are your just like everyone else and have no life and need to find comfort belittling others that mind there own! If you were cool you would check out my pipes in etsy.com under lake superior lapidary! If your a believer in spirit and culture which is the beginning of having a purpose in this world, you will enjoy my art!
41 Year Old
Joined on April 6, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 21st
Geology is probably one of my favorite things in life! It will always be there unlike most women I have come across. I live in a area where valuable stones can be found right under my feet! There's nothing like hiking miles of lake superiors shoreline jumping in the water and seeing the sights not to mention picking a 100 or 1000+ dollar bill up on the way! Camping on the beach cooking over a fire is one of my favorite things to do.
I am a Metal head! Love the brutality and technicality of brutal metal music. It's energetic and absolutely real. No fairy tale stories just reality! And the reality of life is that it is brutal. Here are some of my faves! Decide, Vital Remains, Pustulated, Necrophagist, Cannibal Corpse, Pantera RIP Dimebag just to name a few. I respect old rock and roll as well. Not really interested in rap, country, or new age. Half of them have no talent whatsoever and don't even write there own music. I could write better music with my eyes closed!
Video Games
I play a few games such as black opps 2, modern warfare, anything that involves killing I guess!
Latest Status
Sadhu Chillin Anyone looking for some sweet one of a kind dinosaur bone mary jane pipes check out lake superior lapidary on etsy.com