36 Year Old
Joined on April 1, 2013
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on August 3rd
I'm Danielle and I'm 24yrs old. I'm engaged to the love of my life and have 2 wonderful sons. I'm bi and I'm wiccan and I'm a Juggalette. I'm obsessed with the color pink. I love to have fun and I love being a Wifey and Mommy. Anything else you wanna know all.
36 Year Old
Joined on April 1, 2013
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on August 3rd
*Pink *vampires *Wicca *Reading *writing (mostly fan fiction) *singing *being a Wifey *being a Mommy
Latest Status
JohnnyRebelsWif... First time on here in GODDESS knows how long. Chillin on HLR w/ some pals and my love. Have a good night all!!!!