52 Year Old
Joined on March 31, 2013
Born on June 24th
Live like it's my last day. Share a smile with most everyone I meet. Makes 'em wonder what I'm up to. Negative people are a drag. You will hopefully get what you give. Good and bad. You are 99% responsible for your own happiness or misery. It's all in your frame of mind. Cause you can't stop crap from happening. How you deal with it is what counts. Remember to cherish the small things too. Be grateful for what you have and be a little humble too. It can all disappearin a flash. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Don't forget to look a little harder sometimes. True beauty isn't always on the surface. No games, no pretense, no bulsh_t. You'll only be ooling yourself. Treat youself once in a while. A shot of good whiskey, a fatty, a bowl of ice cream, whatever you like. Enjoy.
52 Year Old
Joined on March 31, 2013
Born on June 24th
I really have enjoyed my kids and now my grandkids more than anything else in my life. My four year grandson thinks the sun rises and sets with me. I grasp every bit of that I can because it is fleeting and soon he won't feel that way. My eight month old grand daughter kicks her feet and waves her arms as soon as she hears my voice. And when she see's me she gives me a smile that would melt the coldest of hearts. I don't care how rough of a day you have, when she does that all the troubles wash away. I also enjoy old muscle cars, motorcycles, most sports, and my job. Time alone every once in a while is a nice luxury as well.
Old blues. Rock & Roll from the early days to present. Motown, R&B, some hip-hop, some old and some new country music. Zac Brown Band is one of the best newer country bands for me. Their songs are a lot of fun. Big band music from back in the day. I only had a taste of it from old movies but that is what got peoples feet moving gack then.
Video Games
I only rarely. play the ones that my grandkid can play