I see your lips and I wonderwho's been kissin' themI never knew how badlyI was missin' themWe both know we'renever going to make it,But when we touchwe never have to fake it I hope you're having a hell of a Saturday...it was a hell of a TGIF!The Submission lounge is having a party and you're invited, we would love to have youcome be with other cool people and listen to music from our generation and make new friends.Just click pic below to enter. THE LOUNGE WILL OPEN @ 8 pm EST.
You know...I would love to make you breathless!I hope you are having a super TGIF baby!, Come by the submission lounge this eveningand be with other cool people and listen to music from our generation.Just click pic below to enter. I will open the lounge @ 8 pm EST.