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36 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Born on July 10th
36 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Born on July 10th

Hey i am Ellie Daystar AKA Jet, 17 from Metropolis, well my ego is. i work with Superman and he totally rocks. He has taught me hundreds of things since my parents were killed by a group called the Cyrus, all demons. I had been recently labelled as a danger to the environment and sent to Arkham Asylum where i escaped using very powerful telekinesis and a psi-struct that formed Doomsday to bash down the doors. I can fly and wear the same costume as Peter Pan, well more a dark green dress and light green tights to match and green boots identical to Kal-El's red ones but obviously dark green. i like helping against enemies like Two-Face and Lex Luthor. but i recently got shot and was in a coma for like a month but Bruce Wayne made sure i was 100% better and raring to go. unfortunately i have no voice box so i use my telepathy to speak out to other people's minds as though i was actually talking myself. i returned to Metropolois on my 17th birthday to find out Superman had been giving a virus so that when i touched him, i turned dark and my mind went rogue on those who were close and i began endangering everyone. it was here when i found out i was immune to fire and that my body could create fire at my will like at a finger click and stuff. i became a phoenix and because Superman told me i was like a daughter he named me Lor-El. Now i am Jet/Lor-El. I have a bundle of powers just like Superman's so i ain't no Mary Sue or whatever her name is. i am for real and my Creator has known me for at least 6 years, changing bits about me now i need a partner, a guy, a friend, maybe one day it'll come true for the better.

36 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Born on July 10th
SUPERMAN art-Drawing Superman Writing Using internet Meeting new people Going out with friends Challenges...Did i mention Superman?
SUPERMAN THEME TUNE!!!!! Final Fantasy 8 and 9 music Fast and the Furious Tracks Movie themes depending on the movie Truly madly deeply (the original) Pump up the jam Pink-U and UR Hand etc...
Superman 1 to 4 Superman Returns Fast and the Furious Firefly Serenity Van Helsing Batman Films X-men films various others...
Christopher Reeve (Rest in Peace) I worship Jensen Ackles!!!!!!!!!!! Brandon Routh Alex Pettyfer Christian Bale Nathan Fillion
Video Games
Final Fantasy 8 and 9 Spyro the dragon 1 to 3 Sonic Rush on Nontendo DS (i have the Lite) Spyro A new beginning on Nintendo DS Spyro Shadow Realm on Nintendo DS Superman Returns on Nintendo DS Blade Fifth Element Dancing Stage Euromix Dancing Stage Party edition with dance mat.

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