Show headerDate: Wed, 30 May 2007 17:46:28 -0700From: <>To: ukcovman@cherrytap.comReply-To: sweetkitty@cherrytap.comSize: 3 KBY = Yes, N = No, M= Maybe. Fill this in for me and/or repost for others to answer for you. Then message it to me.Would/will you?[Y_] come to my house to do nothing at all but chill?[N_] fight me?[Y_] kiss me?[Y_] let me kiss you?[Y_] watch a movie with me?[Y_] go out to dinner with me?[Y_] let me drive you somewhere?[Y_] take a shower with me?[Y_] drink with me?[_Y] take me home for the night?[Y_] let me sleep in your bed?[_N] Sing car karaoke w/ me?[_Y] re-post this for me to answer your questions?[Y_] hold my hand?[_Y] tickle me?[Y_] let me tickle you?[Y_] instant message me?[Y_] greet me in public?[_Y] hang out with me?[Y_] bring me around your friends?[Y_] be down with me no matter what?[Y_] mak e-out in the movies with me?D0 Y0U...[_Y] think im cute?[Y_] think im a good person[Y_] want to kiss me?[_Y] want to cuddle with me?[Y_] want to hook up with me?[Y_] want to *Do* me?[M_] think I would do you?[Y_] love me?AM I...[Y_] smart?[Y_] cute?[Y_] funny?[Y_] sexy?[Y_] cool?[Y_] romantic?[Y_] a *freak*?[N_] gangsta?[_Y] loveable?[Y_] trustworthy[Y_] compassionate?[_] great to be with?[Y_] attractive?[_N] mean?HAVE Y0U EVER...[Y_] thought about hooking up with me?[Y_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?[_Y] wished I were there?[Y_] had a crush on me?[Y_] wanted my number?[Y_] been distracted by me?[Y_] looked at my page more than ten times?ARE Y0U...[Y_] happy you know me?[Y_] thinking about me?[Y_] wanting to call me to talk about these things?
Congratulations! My little girl's 14 1/2 months now, and she'll have a little brother or sister in mid-July! You and your family have a wonderful weekend!
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