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Stats for Dec 13

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53 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 16, 2007 · Born on February 15th
53 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 16, 2007 · Born on February 15th

Downslide = Mark

i have plenty interesting to say, but It's usually just me finding it interesting. Getting me to shut up is the trick. Have you taken a look around the Internet lately? It's shudder-causing to think about how many people are out there just passing a little time, versus the one's who are locked away in their basement - alabaster-white because their body hasn't seen the sun in a decade - scouring the 'net for the next MMORPG, or porn, or worse.
No, I just spend a couple hours a day lallygagging on company time. With a job where you wait for people to break their computers, you get a bit of downtime.
When I'm not at work, I hardly touch computers, save for the occasional game at home (currently Battlefield 2). I have a life, play a little volleyball, do some waterskiing, mountain biking, geocaching, go grey raising my daughter, KungFu, airsoft, anything else.

Grew up in a conservative Catholic household, youngest of 5 boys. I'm trying again to be a practicing catholic, after a decade or so away, now that my girl is getting to the age of reason, I feel a need help her see a higher power and the guidance through right and wrong. (more grey hair). I was raised to be respectful of others, especially elders, and to be helpful when possible. I'm the kind of guy who stops to help someone at the side of the road, though not so much anymore, with the downward slide our society is taking, I am more cautious about keeping myself around for my daughter.

If life were different, I'd be in the Marines. I support our troops, and I am proud of and greatful to anyone who serves.

Every man thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier.
--Samuel Johnson--
- I know I do.

No one can ever have too many friends, or know too many people. A friend will help you move...a TRUE friend will help you move a body...or something. Drop me a line, from wherever your are. You never know when just knowing somebody in the right place or the right time may save your life. pchelp_mark at yahoo.

53 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 16, 2007 · Born on February 15th
My Family
Off Roading
my wife
What can I say?
I'm a product of the 80's
Video Games
Battlefield 2
Fire Team BRAVO II (PSP)

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