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65 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 9, 2013 · Born on August 27th
65 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 9, 2013 · Born on August 27th

People call me Stripper Palooza Mike because I throw a bomb ass party every summer called Stripper Palooza. It started as a Biker Pig roast with Local blues, rock and reggae bands performing all day. The interest was so huge that we went to the city to get a permit to block the street. Because our block on Sherman St. was directly connected to Evans, a major rout, the cost was around $1200. I said a big FUCK THAT SHIT. So with the urge to party being the mother of invention, we re-invented the typical "block party". Connecting the back yards of three houses by taking down the fences between them created enough room to accommodate over 500 people. Turns out in Denver you don't have to get a permit to have a party in your back yard. A permit to operate a public address system was all we needed. So Stripper Palooza was born. With 8 to 10 bands playing we realized that was over 4 hours of set changes. A pole contest was suggested between bands to keep the momentum going. Not a dull moment at this party. A former dancer who just happened to be standing near by and over heard our conversation said these famous words. "Well all you ass holes are either dating or have dated dancers, you should call it Stripper Palooza. The rest is history. Last year I moved the party to Casselman's Bar and Venue. We packed in over 800 people and gave Casselman's one of the biggest crowds ever. We're going back to Casselman's, located at 26th and Walnut, this year on August 24th. We have put in bids for several national touring acts to perform this year. My goal is to make Stripper Palooza the biggest party Denver has ever known. Last year Uncle Nasty's band Horse was our head liner. One of my favorites, The Hornbuckle Brothers, also played. Michael and Bryan rarely play together anymore as Michael is residing in California fixin to get famous. I'm sure he will. My company is Palooza Promotions and we have several events planned this year including a bike and car show called "The Cannabis Cruse" on June first. That's the day The state of Colorado say's we can legally walk into dispensaries and purchase pot without a card. We have heard that the Fed's are planning to block this even though the voters in our state overwhelmingly approved the law. If that happens we most certainly will use our voice as a protest to stand up for our rights to vote in what's best for us and to have that vote be the final word. Surely this is an attempt by several big money interests that believe this law will cost them some cash. Well we say FUCK THAT SHIT. So watch for more info on how you can be a part of Denver's first annual Cannabis Cruse. I'm Stripper Palooza Mike and I welcome comments and love to hear personal stories or experiences you may have had at Stripper Palooza.

65 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 9, 2013 · Born on August 27th
I love music. Love to ride. My daily is a custom chopper. At almost eleven feet long there is a bit of a learning curve to riding a hard tail chopper. You that know, know what I'm talking about. The frame is a one of a kind originally built by "Working Class Choppers" out of New Jersey. Dude I bought it from got the bike off of Ebay. When he rode it the first time he quickly realized he was too short to see over the handlebars. I was at the right place at the right time and made him an offer. I've rebuilt the bike several times but the current version is my favorite. I build bikes for sale. I build Rat Bikes. A recent trend that has copied the hot rod enthusiasts and clubs. Looking like a bike that was in the Road Warrior movies, rat bikes look a little better with a little road grime on them. Building a bike that reflects a part of your personality or in many cases your alter ego, I really love the creative side of this endeavor. I also own Green Planet Renovations as I am Master Tile Setter. Although I love to remodel homes and create living spaces for people that they can use and enjoy for years to come. My new passion is to grow my Palooza Promotions business. I love music and love to entertain people. When someone walks up to me at bike run or a concert and says "dude that party of yours was epic" It is the best moment I can have. Well maybe the second best. OK, that's about it. Riding and music. A good Bronco game is always good. We have season tickets and attend most games. I love comedy. Love Bill Burr, Ron Ferguson, Rodney Carrigton and Ron White. Don't watch much TV. Life is out there. Not in your living room. Hate the News. My dad always said "If you want the current weather look out the fucking window". Old school common sense.
Steve McQueen John Wayne

Theodore Roosevelt Ronald Reagan

My father John H Berglund who taught me how to walk with no fear. It's not necessarily how bad ass you are, although that doesn't hurt. lol It's how a man carries himself. If you never lie cheat or steal. If you treat men with respect and dignity. And as long as you walk with confidence but not arrogance, you can go anywhere you want. My pop made it through Korea as a rifleman in the 10th Mountain Division. He was never able to talk about his combat experiences until he was in his 70's. I'll never forget asking him if loosing friends and fellow solders was the reason he wouldn't talk about it. He slowly moved his head side to side and said "no son, it was all the men I killed". I saw my pop drop a 600 pound Bull Elk with a 7mm mag at 220 yards with one shot more that once. He was born and raised in northern Minnesota in a log cabin by Swedish Immigrants. They had to hunt and fish to survive. He used to go to the dentist and refuse Novocaine or any pain killers. Was as comfortable on the back of a horse as he was behind the wheel of his Chevy truck. Real man? fuck! this guy was a monster. When I was 15 a neighborhood dispute ended when the "asshole down the street as my dad used to call him, slapped my mother across the face. I watched my dad beat that dumb son of a bitch unconscious in about 2 minutes. And he could have done in 30 seconds but wanted to "teach him a lesson" as he used to say. They broke the mold after they made this guy.

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  • Stripper Palooz... This fubar is kinda fun. So is the Jack I'm sippin. We're past thinkin bout drinkin, we're already stinkin!
    11 years ago · Comment

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