Our server resides in our computer room (aka the"Hell Room") which stays considerably hotter than the rest of our house due to the massive number of machines running in there...non-stop. Every once in a while the servers like to show us who's REALLY in charge, and they reboot themselves. *groan* :-p It's extremely annoying and rather inconvenient. Sadly, until we hit the lottery, or miraculously stumble upon a better, more efficient cooling system free of charge....we're screwed. =/I know...board trolls HATE downtime. LoLSo do administrators and webmasters......trust me. *sigh*
I just like pickin on ya. You should know that by now. LoL ;-) YAY for not being at work atm.BTW...go play on the forums. We're still working on the layout and stuff...but they're back. (all new, upgraded...workin on transferring if we can)
S-M-A-C-K !!!! You've been hit! Did it hurt? You have been chosen as one of the very best looking people on my friends list. Once you have been hit, you have to hit 15 good looking people. If you get hit again, you'll know you're really good looking. Now go hit 15 other good looking people on YOUR friend list!
Heyyyyy!! Guess what?!??! I saved my .com domain :-D *does the geeky happy dance* Thing will be slowly but surely coming back around. Hope you've been doin ok. Take care Bubbuh!! *hugs n humps* :-p
D'oh! Yeah. You're right. Thought I'd made that adjustment. My bad. Thanks for the reminder. Either the Toad or I will get to that by this weekend. (I hope.) We're having company from out-of-state so that means we'll be even busier than usual. So maybe if I leave a BIG note on the server....maybe we'll actually get to it by Friday evening. :-p *passes you a pill for the withdrawals* It'll all be ok. Really. ;-)
If a kiss was a raindrop...I'd send you showers.If hugs were a second...I'd send you hours.If smiles were water...I'd send you the sea.If friendship was a person...I'd send you me.This poem shows lots of appreciation...so send this to all of your friends and let them know you care.
Well, the forums thing isn't really in our power to fix anymore, hon. Sorry. :-(My domains were close to expiring and I didn't notice it until I went to renew and one of them (my graphic/web design site's domain) was already"grabbed" the VERY day I checked. (bastards selling my NAME sake off to random bidders...*$%#^@)As for the main one, my first one ever, the one I put the most heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears, and CUSSING into...it's lost as well if I can't pull $100 out of, well...let's just say it will be gone soon too. It's sitting in my registrar account, sadly waiting to finish the"pending deletion" phase. It's a .com, as you know, so I'm sure some greedy, rich, asshat sick fuck will grab it up right away as well.Yeah, sorry...I'm more than extremely livid about it, terribly broken-hearted, and basically wanna hunt down the pricks myself and stick a brick up their asses.*pauses to breeeaathe*....um, what was the question?
Holy SHIT Dude!! Am I the ONLY person you talk to on here?? LMAO I'm looking like a stalker bitch bein the only one with comments for MILES on here. hahaha :-p You need to be a social slut like everyone else. (j.k) Hope you had a great Fourth Hon!!