Yes, ballroom just like DWTS, just kind of got taken up by the heat of the moment with some incredible music that was playing at the time and up and away she went. The person taking pics at the time managed to get off a series of a half a dozen shots in a row which were pretty kewl. How come you don't have more pics posted??
The Sight of dance and music Like a perfectly cut diamond,Light dances through you Revealing a rainbow of harmonies bouncing against walls of sound creating waves Dancing Fantasia Thanks for the ADD"DaNCe YouR ArT OuT" Always Blake
, WOW! You are absolutely stunning! I hope we get the chance to chat soon. Anything & everything. I write short erotic stories as a hobby & for some web sites. Please let me know if you would like to read a sample or two. I can either Email them to you or send you a Private Message. Again, I would be honored to be your Friend and chat soon. There is more about me in my Profile. Thank you. BobCosi Bella Donna…Such a beautiful womanAvete gli occhi più graziosi ed il sorriso più bellaYou have the prettiest eyes and most beautiful smileHow YOU Doin……. Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi