I have rather varied interests including but not limited to: ak47's, belgian trappist beer (thank you Mike P), colors, drinking, education, french kissing, germany, really more like this - accounting, aft, aquariums, are you being served, argyle socks, army, asset management, austin city limits, axiom funk, belgium, billie holliday, boat restoration, boston, brain surgery, brooklyn, brown university, buddy guy, cancer, carrera y carrera, cats, cbgb's, chemical brothers, christianity, cooking, copenhagen, dachshunds, dana hall, dead can dance, delirium, depleted uranium exposure, diana krall, dr. seuss, dressage, dutch warmbloods, electric vehicles, ella fitzgerald, eloise, ethics, f18s, fidelity, fighting ignorance, flora danica, focal sim, fore, fort apache studios, franny and zooey, fresh air, gardening, geek guys, georg jenson, glenn miller, glioblastoma multiforme, gloucester, gnomes, greenwich village, grenada, gridley paige, holy cross, hum, ice skating, james bond, jibes, jibs, jimmi hendrix, john donne, joy division, jude, jude christodal, katz's deli, kipling, kiruna, landmines, leroy street, linen sheets, love, love and rockets, lower east side, manray, manual transmissions,mark tansey, martinique, medical ethics, mel blanc, michael maslin, micmac, microbiology, molecular biology, navy, neurology, neurosurgery, new york, nine stories, no smoking, npr, older men, oyster boy, parrots, patsy cline, pbs, peace, peter pan, photography, providence, ps122, quisp, radiation treatment protocol, reading, reconnaissance, red dwarf, reporters without borders, risd, rockport, royalty, russia, sailboats, sailing, salinger, scuba, sheep, sheepshead bay, ski troopers, snow skiing, stainboy, stereotactic surgery, stuart little, tack, the 3 stooges, the adirondacks, the bowery, the carribean, the holocaust, the knitting factory, the netherlands, the point, the st. regis, toast recipes, toxicboy, tulips, u.s.m.c., u2, uss america, wammies, wellesley college, world peace, wwii,, younger men, zydeco, ÔÙÇÃÇ ÞäÈáå Ãæ áÛãþ.
i listen to things like "sharks patrol these waters" a british import compellation like so many, but part of the "best of volume" series. they are all great disks. all considered here in the as “alternative” but really just better and less annoying than what is generally on the air anywhere here. even on satellite. groups and singular performance artists like paul weller, lush, soundpool, jesus and mary chain, axiom funk, sebadoh, buffalo tom and other living and currently and irreversibly dead, despite any attempts at reviving them, the departed artists. i shall continue though, to purchase recordings of them, made of course before their demise, to the delight of their heir(s)apparent(ly). it would be morbid and useless to record a decomposing artist, no matter how entertaining they may have been while breathing. out.