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39 Year Old · Male · From Bowling Green, KY · Joined on March 3, 2013 · Born on July 22nd
39 Year Old · Male · From Bowling Green, KY · Joined on March 3, 2013 · Born on July 22nd

Something about myself?

wow... I'm never sure what to put in these things... Ok, first off, yes I am male, I do not see my self as gay, but I do not see my self as straight either. I am me, 100% myself unapologetically, with this view though, why shouldn't my sexuality be any different! I can say that there are times that I am mostly attracted to men, and then there are those days where chicks are where it's at. Yes My sexual identity, my sexual orientation can be a little complicated, I am not confused, I am not lost, you can't turn me one way or another, I just am who I am. I do not control who I like, or who I feel is attractive, I am just honest with myself and everyone around me. I am orientated, but the direction is forward, in every aspect of my life :-)

One time, I walked up to a straight guy in a grocery store and told him he was hot... he just smiled and said "thank you" and I walked away. Physical aspects have nothing to do with sex for me. Sex is an action, not an idea.

Just because I see your pics, does not mean I am stalking you, and don't worry your NSFW pics are safe... Pictures rarely do it for me in that way... so, just relax. I was a photographer at a studio that made quite a bit of money with the more risqué material...I enjoy looking at pictures with a photographer's eye, looking at the work that was done, the angle, lighting, ect. I think it is all amazing when done right Tentative.gif but mainly that is all it is for me, is art.

The human body is a beautiful thing! tall, short, skinny, fat, hairy, bald, man, woman... celebrate it! take your pictures, go mud wrestling, do what ever it is you wish to do at that particular moment! Pant.gif The human body should not be something to be ashamed of in any respect. It's a fantastic work of art, and is capable of accomplishing some of the most beautiful things in the world.

if you want me, need me, enjoy talking to me, want to chat or what not, you can try on here, and if that does not work get a hold of me for any other contact info including text, kik or what not, HMU!!! Pant.gif

Now that we have gotten through all of that stuff, and if your still reading...

I am full time college student studying criminal justice and psychology. I live in a time apartment in upstate Ny with a roommate to share the bills with. I have been in a lot of fairly bad relationships, and it's left me with some self esteem issues that I am currently working through, but all things come in time I suppose.

The number one rule with me is, I am an open book, if you have any questions, just ask. I will always answer honestly, and openly. I am here to make friends, and have fun, I don't stalk people, and those on my friends list get free rates, likes, comments, and drinks all day long, and I make a run through my friends list almost daily and like, rate, and send drinks. if you need anything Fu related just ask, if I can, then I will do. thanks :-)

39 Year Old · Male · From Bowling Green, KY · Joined on March 3, 2013 · Born on July 22nd

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  • lonewolf84 Just got out of a rough relationship, but I'm back now. :-) trying to move forward.
    7 years ago · Comment

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