Interests wow it could take forever to fill this one out so I will try to keep it short and sweet. Anything and everything so long as it will not kill me. Hey that was not so
I will try anything I can the latest interests have been the belly dancing and kyaking even if i can not spell it I am going to go out and do it lol. I was told about shooting bows and arrows and was thinking that it would be fun so I am going to try it out also.
Old time fav interests are volunteer firefighting, and other saftey courses.
I have a lot of time on my hands at work so I do alot of reading and playing on the internet.
The typical girl interests of getting hair, nails and what have you done are also high on the list but I am not that bad that I need to be dressed to the nines all the time but it is always fun to dress up.
There are more interests everytime i talk to someone and get another idea to try.
If have something that is a must to do please tell me about it.
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I like to listen to all types of music if i had to pick one as a fav it would have to be country just because it is what i grew up with. I like to go out dancing I may not be all that good at it but it is alot of fun. The newest dance I am trying to learn is the belly dancing and if nothing else it is a good abd work out as I seem to be laughing through most of the lesson.
Video Games
I was just introduced to the gameboy world recently due to my two wonderful rent-a-kids so I will have to say yes to the video games in moderation to pass time. I do have the x-box but it has not been hooked up in almost a year.
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