Come up with any three words you can say after sex. Try not to use what someone else says. Put your name and the words below and then repost this. Let's see what we end up with.Harveyb: where's the condom?BRETT: Whats your name?Angel: Are you hungry? :)Adrienne: Was that it? (haha... ;p Not that it's something I would say... )Mark:Dont know any..Leata: you leaving soon?Sheri: Do that AGAIN!Lyndsey:Oh My GOD!!!Jessica: please.NO MOREKassi: i was amazing! lolBrittany: was that it?Cami: i love you.Bethany: let's break up.Homie: I'M SO SORRYCrystal-_______ was betterbrit- wow. u suckCarl- wheres your sister? [[ lmfao ]] :pFrank-the condom brokelauren-that was fast!!!McCauley- See you tommorowpatience- your brother's better :)bRIttANY- YOUR dAd`zZ RUffER.Nick- I'll call you... (haha yeaa righh)Mike-are you ok?Nicole-I have Herpes! [...heh, thank god i dont.]Mason- Your 18, right?Tiffany- stop it hurtsmichelle-damn u where good :)korii--your friend's betterKayla- that was great(i wouldnt relle say tht)whitlee___dammm!!!!!!!!!Britney~That was fast=[Nico- wow i guess that roofie was strong enoughTARA- fuck you.R()nald~ what just happend?>-L@(3Y-Lets do it again. i gotta get up outta here in 15 minutes.Ashley H- ummm...about that...u could use some practice =]fernando- im gonna go. [[lol..i dk]]Tiffany- I lovee youu.
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