43 Year Old
Invited by: SHELL·
Joined on May 11, 2007
Born on February 21st
I live in Iowa with my fiancee and our new daughter. She is a wonderful treat to have in our lives. I am 25 years old , I am being a stay at home mom right now. It is different but it teaches me a lot about our daughter. She is my world.
I am the supply guy if you will. It is not as glamorous as it used to be. I used to feel like I had a real mission, now it is more B.S. than anything..
I am so sorry. I must have been in the process of shutting down when you sent the shout. If you still need or want my help just let me know I would be glad to help u. Layouts u can ither rip off of other people , and some people do have some really cool layouts on here or there are a couple of sites that I have found that have layouts. Not many though. I'll have to get back to you on the sites. Music... I went to project playlist. Thats how I did my playlist anyways. You can always use the suggested one on here..but I seen project playlist on someone elses profile and I liked the idea of being able to have many songs played at random in a jukebox type setting in any color I want. Just me though. Umm..I personally think this is better than my space..more adult . If you still need my help just give me a shout or send me a message.