Identity theft on any level is a criminal offence and punishable in every state. You show a pic of a girl but for gender you put male. Confused you are. Buy a camera and use your own pic. Stop creating new will be found everytime, hell you've made 11 and been caught everytime. Words like loser, mindless, unoriginal, brainless come to mind.
this is getting fucked up this person needs to get a life she steals one of my pics i will hurt her i hate people like this they cant take there own pic and put it on here i see my pic on anyones profile and i did not give it to them and say it is ok iwill hurt them Get More at
Shelly...stop your shit! You're obviously doing this for more attention! If it's not you...then whoever if doing it is pretty damn FUNNY! LOL Seriously tho....I think it's fucking hillarious that you blocked me shelly. You're so grown up but you can't handle talking to me like a grown woman?! You are nothing more than a child...a big overgrown UGLY child. You are your fucking daughter. I feel sorry for her that she has to grow up with a psycho like you cutting herself up and shit for you kid to see....what a great mom huh. Pathetic.
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{**FTW**} ...: You know what if the person do this shit would grow a set and come forward. I would fuckin take themn out myself. Those chicken shits have to hide behind a computer screen. Come Out Come Out Where Ever You Are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!